
From Miraheze Meta, Miraheze's central coordination wiki

I only set up Autoarchive on a wiki that has active community. Therefore, following wikis are not eligible to receive Autoarchive services by me. And there is an activity requirements.

If you are not eligible under this criteria, you can always run your own bot using of Pywikibot.

If something is gone wrong (ie. specific page is not being archived, bot stopped working, new wiki request, etc etc), please join revi's Discord server, check out #miraheze-auth, and report things on #miraheze-chat (only visible after you perform !wiki verify). Errors reported at #general will be silently deleted.

Ineligible wikis[edit source]

  • Private wikis
    • I don't want to read your private wiki stuff, even for bot-operation reasons and you give me permission to do that. I never visited private wikis while I was staff unless I needed to help something. I will continue that even after I technically don't have permissions.
  • Personal wikis
    • If you are the sole contributor, or if I believe your wiki is a personal wiki based on edit volumes and other factors, I will deny service.
    • You don't need to archive a discussion, if not have a discussion, on a personal wiki. You are the Monarch.
  • Discussion software
    • Software like Flow (Structured Discussions), LiquidThreads, and any extensions that implement their own discussion (forum) space is not compatible with this bot. It's not necessary to use Autoarchive bot on those namespaces, and if your wiki has it, I might ask you to confirm you are not using it for Flow-namespaces.

Eligibility requirements[edit source]

  • Your wiki must have at least 10 users in Special:ActiveUsers (excluding flagged bots (user right bot), and global staff's official and/or automatic actions (sysadmin, CVT, Miraheze Ltd. staff)).
  • Of those ActiveUsers, at least 5 people should have at least 15 actions during the last 15 days when I check it.
  • I may re-check the eligibility and stop service if the figures are below the requirement with no warning.

Exclusion[edit source]

Following wikis are special to me, therefore they are excluded from this eligibility requirements.

  • metawiki
  • testwiki

Status[edit source]

If there is a planned downtime or a unexpected downtime and I am not going to fix it right away, I will probably write some notice here.

check if the server is dead[edit source]

If the bot is not running on standard runtime (at 16:16 KST), check this page and check for "Raspberry Pi (rpi)".

This is a dead man's switch to see if the host running the bot is running or not. This does not tell you anything about the status of the bot itself, just about the status of the host running the bot.

  • If the status color is green and says up: Raspberry Pi is powered up and connected to internet.
  • If the status color is yellow and says late: Script to check if raspberry pi is alive is running, or it's supposed to be running but not yet. I will be notified if jobs do not finish in 10 minutes.
  • If the status color is red and says down: Raspberry Pi is either down or disconnected from the internet for some reason. ReviPhab might have some details. When the check is marked as down, I am notified of the problem via Discord, Pushover, and a new secret task in ReviPhab.

check if the bot went to work[edit source]

(not implemented yet) Revibot task for Miraheze is grouped as "Revibot Miraheze". This is the script you need to check if the above check is up but you think the script did not run correctly.

  • If the status color is green and says up: Script ran correctly. It is possible that bot had some error messages on the log but exited with status code 0. Contact me if it persists.
  • If the status color is yellow and says late: Script is running, or it's supposed to be running but not yet. I will be notified if jobs do not finish in 10 minutes.
  • If the status color is red and says down: Bot didn't finish the job in time, or it reported an error. If it just didn't finish the work in time, it will go up when the job is complete and report the status to healthchecks services. If the bot errored, it will likely remain down until I fix the problem. ReviPhab might have some details. When the check is marked as down, I am notified of the problem via Discord, Pushover, and a new secret task in ReviPhab.

Notes[edit source]

  • As of 2021-01-06, yerim (host running this bot) is running Pywikibot commit 2f65b5e20b03ce6b530c85a0b5540a6a827501c9 as of 2021-01-02. Note that I generally do not update unless it stops working.
  • As indirectly mentioned in Autoarchive (constraint 4 and 8), I only run the version provided by Pywikibot and will not make custom hacks to make it work for you. Either adapt to Autoarchive's expectation, or be ignored.

Tools and Services by Revi[edit source]