
From Miraheze Meta, Miraheze's central coordination wiki
<rhinosf1> basically anything running a really popular piece of corporate cyber security software that had fully applied this content update and rebooted is now utterly borked and stuck in a blue screen loop until you boot into safe mode and delete a file
<pixldev> I-
<pixldev> -# oh
<pixldev> I see
<BlankEclair> this means that custom cat ear colors for misskey got more testing than a driver update

<pixldev> all hail claire, queen destroyer of minor inconveniences
<pixldev> Claire <pixldev> I’m almost sorry for what we must do to you now <pixldev> OA <pixldev> Do we have any French people here <originalauthority, replying to pixldev> Bone jaw <pixldev> I need someone experienced with a guillotine
<pixldev> im going to commit numerous warcrimes and be wanted in numerous countries <BlankEclair> > and be wanted in numerous countries <BlankEclair> trans people: look at what they need to mimick a fraction of our power
<BlankEclair> i want current mainline linux on my calculator <pixldev> What the fuck is wrong with you
<pixldev> Oh you sweet summer child <pixldev> Oh pardon me <pixldev> You’re an Aussie. You sweet winter child
<johnmcgurkus> Guys, <johnmcgurkus> . <johnmcgurkus> It's an urgency <rhinosf1> Say it quick then before I go into work
<BlankEclair> me: "eh, i can remember this" <BlankEclair> me five seconds later: wait what was i thinking again <pixldev> 😭 <pixldev> CLAIRE <pixldev> STAP BEING ME
<BlankEclair> i have an idea <BlankEclair> put my entire meme folder into an image deduplicator <BlankEclair> it only needs to hash > 40000 images :3 <pixldev> Wre <pixldev> Wtf*
<BlankEclair> you have eaten a magical cat <BlankEclair> how do you feel?
<.labster> CSS is like violence. If it's not working, use more.
<getnormality> who is so deranged to DDOS a wiki farm, does Putin think you guys run Ukraine or something???
<icinga-miraheze> RECOVERY - - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate '*' will expire on Sun 18 May 2025 11:59:59 PM GMT +0000. <RhinosF1> Eh <RhinosF1> That is not OK icinga <RhinosF1> Why on earth do you think that's ok
<BlankEclair> just got back from the toilet debugging chair
<.labster> Not all 4chan boards are the same. They range from fully homophobic to fully accepting of everyone's secret desire to be a catgirl.
<pixldev> BlankEclair i checked out your html parser template monstrosity <BlankEclair> <3 <pixldev> i like it, and that displeases me <BlankEclair> lmfao <BlankEclair> it feels simple, yet convoluted <pixldev> Like I want to use ot <pixldev> I DONT LIKE THAT <pixldev> get out of my head <pixldev> no i <pixldev> no u <pixldev> Is this how developers develop schizophrenia <pixldev> interesting development
<BlankEclair> wtf this shit makes no sensee <pixldev> One of us <BlankEclair> wiki goes "oi am i logged in?" and gives cookies <BlankEclair> and loginwiki goes "lol no, and fuck you, i'm gonna delete your session cookies too" <pixldev> laughs in CA <BlankEclair> centralauth or cosmicalpha <pixldev> Former <pixldev> you know what why not both
Context: Importing Wikipedia infoboxes <.labster> No, just import from somewhere that's not wikipedia <unclegupta23, replying to .labster> So like I copy from wikipedia to somehwere else, and then from there to the article? <.labster> I like how this guy thinks ^ 😎
<BlankEclair> me on my way to figure out how to get access to the re module by traversing python objects <pixldev, replying to BlankEclair> What in the depths of the Nine Hells of Avernus have you done this time Eclair
<pixldev, replying to BlankEclair> You’re the kind of person to :3 as you finish strapping someone to a rack and grab a rusty raw to extract their pancreas and sell their liver while subjecting them to psychological torment and bringing back their deceased wife as an undead horror and then just dump them into the nine hells when you’re done for fun
<randomnewenglander> Hi <randomnewenglander> Where are the hotties <pixldev> Mate this is a wiki discord
<groupnebula563_0765> the whole point of coding is to sit and stare at a screen for 20 hours and then realize in the shower that you used square brackets instead of parenthesis
<emicraftnoob> What happened to the server, the only active channel is tech <elliethearchiver> tech 👍 <BlankEclair> tech 👍 <BlankEclair> in theory, the entire server is support + offtopic <BlankEclair> in practice, the entire server is support when someone's asking + offtopic, and offtopic all the time if not
<PixDeVl> is sammy on can we make it 6? <PixDeVl> wait <PixDeVl> its like 2 am in the UK <PixDeVl> drat <BlankEclair> eh, sounds like prime time <PixDeVl> Uh it's a test do they have a Mirahezian sleep schedule
<CosmicAlpha> I stayed up all night last night. Not even a minute of sleep. Not on purpose. I just got busy and I guess time just got away and the next thing I know my alarm is going off... <BlankEclair> a true mirahezian <Agent> typical
Context: A user named "tax" is in the channel <BlankEclair> if someone left this channel, could you call it tax evasion? <BlankEclair> ba dum tss * PixDeVl dies
2024-08-31 03:38:02 <BlankEclair> i wonder if harej has harej 2024-08-31 03:38:04 ** BlankEclair changed nickname to harej 2024-08-31 03:38:07 <harej> oh yep 2024-08-31 03:38:09 ** harej has quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by tax!sid388306@user/hare))
<BlankEclair> git -C claire push --force bed <BlankEclair> forcefully push me to bed <PixDeVl> you don't need a git for that dear <PixDeVl> you need a semi <PixDeVl> [truck]
<PixDeVl> asking also is effective luv <BlankEclair> yeah but that's lame <BlankEclair> what if i want to be a creep xd <PixDeVl> not sure if i should say this but there's better ways to be a creep <BlankEclair> i know but i only want to be a partial creep
<Juest> is managewiki available for external integration? will it ever be if its not the case? <PixDeVl> wdym external integration <PixDeVl> use by third partys? <Juest> yes external use for third parties <PixDeVl> uuuuh <PixDeVl> how do i say this <PixDeVl> i had a friend try and make a local MW/CW instance <PixDeVl> next day reported he was going inactive for a few days for minor health complications <PixDeVl> true story
<BlankEclair> > [31/08/2024 14:09] <Juest> i just said that its generally a bad idea to have admins messing with the sql database directly <BlankEclair> i'm full of bad ideas 😎
<Juest> as always i dont remember my account password ;p <BlankEclair> how <Juest> sheer memory <BlankEclair> why <Juest> great question <Juest> i dont like writing things down nor using managers
<BlankEclair> oh hell yeah our third trans person in this channel <PixDeVl> BlankEclair whos the second <BlankEclair> PixDeVl: hello <PixDeVl> wait <PixDeVl> no <PixDeVl> stop making me gay claire. SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE THE STRAIGHT WHITE GUY <PixDeVl> not christan thought ill pass on that <PixDeVl> sorry mom
<Juest> lol on that matter: im open to all sexual orientations except cis males and i dont like standard/regular sex <BlankEclair> > i dont like standard/regular sex <BlankEclair> i prefer running indie forks versions of sex
<Juest> ah yes css aka counter-strike: source :D
<icinga-miraheze> PROBLEM - cp41 HTTP 4xx/5xx ERROR Rate on cp41 is CRITICAL: CHECK_NRPE STATE CRITICAL: Socket timeout after 60 seconds. <icinga-miraheze> PROBLEM - cp41 Current Load on cp41 is CRITICAL: CHECK_NRPE STATE CRITICAL: Socket timeout after 60 seconds. <icinga-miraheze> PROBLEM - cp51 Puppet on cp51 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 4 failures. Last run 4 minutes ago with 4 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/ssl/private],File[/usr/local/sbin/reload-vcl],File[/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_varnishbackends],File[/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nginx_errorrate] <RhinosF1> icinga-miraheze: stop being sad we solved most of your errors
<ghaztliousmoths> Well, the request looks like it'll get rejected at this point <thelilacdragon., replying to ghaztliousmoths> bruh no. <redmin0> Declined.
<thelilacdragon., replying to ghaztliousmoths> Do you say by yourself, that aren't you a ADHD/Autistic person. (Sorry by adding this fact about me to comparing you) <pixldev, replying to thelilacdragon.> Hi, ADHD person here. You can wait.
<pixldev, replying to stemow> Mediawiki and specific view restrictions go together as well as peanut butter and asbestos <pixldev> You can try! It’s not gonna end well!
<BlankEclair> let's hope i don't end up poisoning myself <pixldev> aye <BlankEclair> i will find out in 12 hours
<BlankEclair> anyway, how're you feeling? <pixldev> stroke <BlankEclair> oh that sounds good <BlankEclair> can i join?
<pixldev, replying to agentisai> THIS IS WHAT I MEAN SUJHFHWIPUFBHWEAQIPFUWE <pixldev, replying to agentisai> I ASKED IN THE VOLUNTEER DISCORD <raidarr> he is not there <pixldev> NO ONE SUGGESTEDA NYEFRWOJFIE MFDIEXMNronfePEOvjterZMjezt;iwrnlt%"EPITRMSN <raidarr> as tech team he could be there now <pixldev> I KNOW <pixldev> FGUIOHDSGFEDGEGEPI <pixldev, replying to BlankEclair> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <raidarr> pixel is melting today <raidarr> and it's mostly my fault <BlankEclair> raidarr: i'm proud of you, keep it up <3 <pixldev> SON OF A <pixldev, replying to BlankEclair> CLLAAAAAAAAAAAAIIRE <pixldev> I WILL GO TO AUSTRALIA AND STEAL EVERY BOTTLE OF INSERT WHATEVER AUSTRALIANS ARE KNOW FOR DRINKING HERE IN YOUR HOUSE
<canyada> oh it worked to begin with i just wanted to bend it to my will (have some text thats not visible to humans but is in the popup) <pixldev, replying to canyada> Good idea, humans suck, in fact, let’s hide the whole wiki from them! <pixldev> Only give them to AIs. Specifically the ones that are the least useful to humans, cause screw them!
<PixDeVl> agentisai: when not redlink plz <agentisai> I feel like Nale now <PixDeVl> im sorry to hear that chap <agentisai> I’m too lazy to start a new user page <PixDeVl> i will make one for you at this point <MirahezeRelay> <agentisai> I was hoping I could restore my old one but it got deleted from the database <PixDeVl> `this is agent. he didnt want to make a userpage, so i did it for him. he likes kirby and club penigun. also he's like tech or whatever. go tell him to make a proper userpage. thanks! --╚PixDeVl╝ (Talk Contributions CentralAuth) 03:27, 21 October 2024 (UTC)` <PixDeVl> ill do it <PixDeVl> plz <PixDeVl> itll be funny <Agent> I’ll go Nale mode and get you T&S banned <PixDeVl> im going to reform the CoCC and secret police you into kansaws
<cosmicalpha> I have to go (I am in a place with no cell connection but found public wifi so I am leaving and wont be reachable for awhile) <PixDeVl> enjoy <PixDeVl> if applicable <PixDeVl> if not <MirahezeRelay> <cosmicalpha> What can you enjoy without cell connection? <PixDeVl> survive? <PixDeVl> spoken like a true DTech