GlusterFS is an open-source network filesystem solution. It is no longer used on Miraheze and has been replaced by Swift.

Probe server edit

  • gluster peer probe <server>

To setup a volume edit

You need to run the following to set up a volume (only required if this is a new cluster)

  • gluster volume create <vol-name> transport tcp <server> force

Note: Please do the ssl step if you create a new volume.

To setup ssl (and set the path) edit

(This is only needed for new clusters)

(You have to make sure the volume is stopped beforehand which you can do gluster volume stop <vol-name>)

  • gluster volume set prodvol ssl.private-key /etc/ssl/private/
  • gluster volume set prodvol ssl.own-cert /etc/ssl/certs/
  • gluster volume set prodvol /etc/ssl/certs/Sectigo.crt

You also need to do touch /var/lib/glusterd/secure-access on gluster nodes & the client to enable TLS on the Management Path.

Adding new bricks to existing cluster edit

Make sure that the gluster node is added to firewall.yaml in the puppet module.

Also, make sure you do the "Probe server" step before doing the below step.

  • Run gluster volume add-brick <vol name> <brick host>:<path> force

Adding clients edit

You need to add the client to the firewall, which you can do by adding it to [1].

  • You can then use gluster::mount.

Getting volume info edit

  • Run gluster volume info

Stopping and starting the volume edit

  • To stop the volume run gluster volume stop <vol-name>.
  • To start the volume run gluster volume start <vol-name>.

Getting help for gluster commands edit

  • Run the following gluster help.
  • You can also run the following gluster <name> help