
From Miraheze Meta, Miraheze's central coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Privacy Policy and the translation is 2% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Miraheze致力于保护您的隐私,并对我们如何使用通过Miraheze.org(“网站”)以及Miraheze提供的任何其他应用程序、功能或服务(统称为“服务”)收集的信息保持透明。本隐私政策描述了 Miraheze如何使用、收集和共享通过服务收集的信息。使用服务即为同意并接受本隐私政策中描述的做法。


1. 贡献

1.1 公共内容。一般而言,Miraheze上的所有内容(页面、图像、文件等)都是公开的,包括Miraheze社区成员的任何贡献。Miraheze会公开展示并无限期保留通过服务对内容进行的每次编辑的历史记录。即使一篇文章被“删除”,网站管理员或志愿者仍然可以看到从公众视野中删除的内容。除了偶尔Miraheze因法院命令或法律程序而删除编辑历史之外,我们不能保证会发生永久删除。

1.2 个人贡献。如果您通过服务贡献或编辑内容(“贡献”),您的贡献将公开可见,并可能出现在第三方搜索引擎的搜索结果中。如果您已在Miraheze注册帐户,您的贡献将与您的用户名相关联。如果您尚未在Miraheze注册,您的贡献将与您的IP地址相关联。

1.3 私人维基上。一些维基可能被标记为私有,这意味着其中的贡献通常不会向公众发布。Miraheze员工和少数经过审查的志愿者可以访问私人维基上的内容,这是他们协助提供我们服务的职责的一部分。对私有维基内容的访问权由这些维基的创建者和管理员授予或撤销。请注意,维基管理员可以限制您访问您在私人维基上所做的贡献,甚至可以将整个维基设为公开内容。

2. Miraheze收集的信息


2.1 注册信息。为访问服务的某些部分,您必须填写注册表单。在此注册表单中,我们会收集某些个人信息,例如您的电子邮件地址、用户名和密码。您的电子邮件地址将保持私密,除非您选择将其发布在服务的面向公众的部分,例如您的个人资料页面或贡献者页面。请自行决定您选择在服务面向公众的部分发布的内容,因为这些内容将向公众开放,并可能出现在第三方引擎的搜索结果中。

2.2 用户名。您也将需要创建一个用户名,这将会用于识别你何时登录该服务,以及确定您对该服务的贡献。同时,您的用户名将会对公众可见,并且有可能会出现在第三方搜索引擎的搜索结果中。

2.3 可选用户信息:作为已注册用户,您或许可以选择公开分享更多您的详细信息。可以提供您的姓名、个人网址,分享您的电邮地址,以及在您个人资料的页面上谈论你自己。请自行决定您选择在面向公众的部分服务发布的内容,因为这些内容将向公众开放,并可能出现在第三方引擎的搜索结果中。如果提供了,您的姓名可用于识别您对服务的贡献,并可能被第三方用作归属您的贡献的手段。

2.4 使用信息。Miraheze可收集某些使用数据,例如您的IP地址、URL请求、浏览器类型、请求的日期时间。Miraheze可能会使用cookie(如下文进一步描述)或其他自动化机制来收集此信息,并且可能会在汇总或单独的基础上收集此信息。Miraheze将这些信息用于统计目的,以帮助管理、管理和改进服务、防止滥用、分析趋势以及定制您的用户体验。此外,Miraheze可能会出于营销、研究或报告的目的,使用可能从该信息中导出的匿名使用统计数据。Miraheze尊重Do Not Track(请勿跟踪)标头,并且不会收集分析启用了该浏览器功能的用户的数据。

2.5 IP地址。未注册用户的贡献由该用户的IP地址公开识别。

3. 托管的维基收集的信息


4. Cookie


5. 存档



6. 电邮联系



7. 向第三方分享信息

  • Accounts - Logging in and using an account requires cookies in order to keep you logged in.
  • Analytics - Miraheze collects Usage Information purely for statistical purposes though you may opt out of it by enabling your browser's "Do Not Track" feature. What is collected is governed as described in the section below.
  • Preferences - Some features may use cookies in order to remember your preferences such as site notice dismissal preferences.

7.3 业务转让。如果Miraheze被另一家公司收购,或Miraheze以其他方式将其几乎所有资产转让和/或出售给另一家公司,Miraheze会将其拥有的任何用户信息转让给另一家公司,作为公司或资产的出售或转让的一部分。

7.4 对Miraheze和其他人的保护。以下情况下我们可能会分享用户信息:我们真诚地相信为遵守法院命令而必须发布时;为遵守适用的法律;为遵守第三方的传票;为保护Miraheze、我们的员工、我们的用户或其他人的权利、财产或安全。这包括与其他公司和组织交换信息以防止欺诈。

7.5 数据分析。Miraheze可能会与维基管理员、研究者、记者、资助者和其他Miraheze可能选择合作的第三方使用、转让和共享从用户信息汇总的匿名数据。该数据不包括任何个人身份信息。

  • Personnel – Miraheze personnel and a small number of vetted volunteers may have access to user information as necessary for Miraheze to operate its business and to provide you the Services.
  • Analytics - Miraheze may collect, use, and share aggregated and anonymized Usage/User information and statistics derived from these with wiki administrators, users, or other third parties we may choose. The analytical data does not contain personally identifiable information.
  • Legal reasons - We may share Usage and/or User information where we believe it to be necessary in order to satisfy or comply with a valid court order, warrant, or subpoena, law or regulation, or other judicial or administrative order. Should your data be shared in order to comply with an aforementioned circumstance, we will notify you, via email, within fourteen (14) business days unless we are either barred from doing so by court order, we believe there to be a credible risk of harm to life or limb by disclosing the request, or you do not have a verified email address on your account.
  • Protect Miraheze and others - Miraheze may use or share Usage and/or User information if it is deemed necessary in order to protect Miraheze or others from legal threats, threats of harm, or to protect ourselves, users, or others from any other sort of threat. We may also disclose this information if we reasonably believe, in good faith, that it is necessary in order to detect, prevent, or otherwise assess and address potential spam, malware, fraud, abuse, unlawful activity, and security or technical concerns.
  • Service providers - Miraheze may share User or Usage information, where required, with third-party service providers in order to provide our Services.
  • Transfer of operations – If Miraheze's operations are transferred to another organization, Miraheze will transfer any User Information it has in its possession to the other company as part of the sale or transfer of the company or assets.


  • The right to access – You have the right to request copies of your personal data.
  • The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we complete the information you believe is incomplete.
  • The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions. Note that Contributions made are not subject to this clause as they are governed by applicable content license contract under which you submitted the data. In particular, you should be aware that most Creative Commons licenses require that attribution to the author of the content is provided.
  • The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.


11. 安全通知

如果Miraheze的任何安全漏洞暴露了您的个人信息,您有权收到通知。 Miraheze将公开披露我们在网站上发现的安全漏洞。如果我们确定因泄露服务而泄露了大量用户的个人身份信息,Miraheze将通过在所有wiki上发布通知来宣布该问题。如果您的信息可能已被黑客入侵,并且您已向Miraheze提供了您的电子邮件,Miraheze将向您发送有关泄露的电子邮件通知。



6.2. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, we advise you to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting an announcement on our Website. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page and your continued usage of Miraheze after an update constitutes your acceptance of any modifications made to this policy.

7. Transfer of Information Across Borders

Your information may be transferred to, and maintained on, servers and databases located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as in your jurisdiction. Please be advised that we may transfer your information to and from any state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction, and process it in the United States or elsewhere. By using the Services, you consent to any such transfer of your information.

Effective date

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 2016-12-10.

The last revision was made 2024-02-11.

Previous versions

You can browse previous version of privacy policy in the following links.